Male, over 50, with a doctorate: this is the European Parliament today

On 9 June, Europeans will be voting to elect their next European Parliament. Data analysis by SWR Data Lab shows that the European Parliament is not as diverse as it could be.

By , , , |2024-06-05T13:39:52+01:00June 5th, 2024|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Male, over 50, with a doctorate: this is the European Parliament today

A woman is killed every week in Romania: how the state fails to protect victims

Despite the clear risk factors, the state is failing to provide the protection to female victims of domestic violence that might prevent femicides. Why? We set out to understand, using statistics on gender-based violence from Romania's justice ministry, the national police inspectorate and their local counterparts.

By |2024-04-17T10:16:22+01:00April 16th, 2024|Tags: , , |Comments Off on A woman is killed every week in Romania: how the state fails to protect victims

9 things we learned when investigating partner violence and feminicide in Slovakia

Investigating gender-based violence and femicide, we have found that one third of all murdered women are killed by their partners - among other worrying data. Also, due to an inaccurate way of counting victims of domestic violence, many victims may be uncounted.

By , |2024-04-10T13:04:42+01:00April 10th, 2024|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 9 things we learned when investigating partner violence and feminicide in Slovakia

Aurore Lalucq: “We must win a cultural battle for the taxing of very high incomes”

Aurore Lalucq is the MEP behind an European Citizens' Initiative that aims to properly tax the ultra-rich. Alternatives Economiques interviewed Lalucq to ask her how this idea came about and what stage the signature collection is at.

By |2024-04-11T10:02:13+01:00March 28th, 2024|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Aurore Lalucq: “We must win a cultural battle for the taxing of very high incomes”

In Czechia, legislation and data that should protect women from feminicides are missing

The number of women being murdered by their partners is not falling across Europe. The problem is real in Czechia, where legislators lack the will to tackle violence against women. A new European Union directive, however, could improve the situation.

By |2024-03-19T10:28:20+01:00March 19th, 2024|Tags: , |Comments Off on In Czechia, legislation and data that should protect women from feminicides are missing

Portugal among EU countries with lowest voter turnout for government elections

In the 2019 and 2022 legislative elections, five in ten Portuguese voters did not go to the polls, and there is a general trend towards increased abstention rates. This increase can be attributed to factors such as inequality, low salaries and lower levels of education.

By , , , |2024-03-01T11:32:29+01:00March 1st, 2024|Tags: , |Comments Off on Portugal among EU countries with lowest voter turnout for government elections

Poets, politicians and saints: Budapest’s changing street names

A third of Budapest’s 8,598 streets and squares have been renamed at least once in their history. A third of those now bear the name of a real or fictitious person, the most popular being Attila József. A look at the reasons for renaming and the issues of political memory they highlight.

By , |2024-04-11T11:59:08+01:00February 7th, 2024|Tags: , |Comments Off on Poets, politicians and saints: Budapest’s changing street names
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