EDJNet’s blog
Today we are releasing the full dataset behind Mapping Diversity, our investigation into the street names of cities across Europe, focusing on the individuals who get celebrated through them. In this project, we mapped dozens of thousands of street names by bringing together data from OpensStreetMap and Wikidata. We automatically filtered and categorized street
In the framework of the EDJNet 4 project co-funded by the European Commission, EDJNet can offer some financial support to media outlets interested in producing or adapting data-driven content on European affairs. Such support is delivered through EDJNet's 'Engagement Fund for Associate Members', which amounts to €30,000 for the period running from April 2023
Low-budget ideas for taking your listeners with you into the heart of complex issues.
The European Data Journalism Network turns five this fall. Its coordinators share a first assessment of this experience aimed at developing the European public sphere.
Methodology notes
A walkthrough presenting the data sources used for the "Mapping Diversity" project and of how we extracted and combined journalistically relevant information – and of the many challenges encountered during the process.
Arms export data is not so easy to deal with, given that units of measurements may be unfamiliar for the wider public and, often, the data is incomplete. Here I explain some of the choices made for our latest article on European arms export to authoritarian regimes.
A detailed account of the steps, choices, and methods that led to EDJNet’s investigation on the availability of psychological treatment in the public healthcare systems in Europe. The investigation was run by Civio and it was published in March 2021.
A fraction of European regions account for a majority of COVID-19 deaths Our analysis is based on data showing daily or weekly all-cause deaths in each region, which has been collated from Eurostat and national statistical agencies (UK: ONS, NRS and NISRA; Germany: Destatis; Spain: ISCIII; Netherlands: CBS) We have gathered as geographically granular