Large investigations
Resourcetrade.earth provides data about international trade in natural resources and the sustainability implications of such trade.
March 9, 2018
Volkswagen Group is much more successful in convincing Dieselgate-affected consumers to have the illegal defeat device removed from their car in Western Europe than in Eastern Europe.
March 5, 2018
Nine member states face fines if they don’t take steps to comply with the emission reduction they promised.
January 30, 2018
Every year, the European Environment Agency publishes a report on air quality in Europe.
January 14, 2018
The DanubeGIS platform provides access to data and maps related to water management for the whole Danube Basin, shared by 19 countries
November 15, 2017
Data on the programmes supported by the European Structural Investment Funds and their implementation
October 15, 2017
Every year, about 10,000 people across Europe die prematurely because of diesel car emissions exceeding limits
September 18, 2017
In tourist areas across Europe, the waste generated by tourism is managed by recycling and disposal systems that are often inefficient, as data collected in various European countries reveals
September 13, 2017