The latest ILO report shows that migrant workers have more precarious contacts and earn 13 percent less on average than domestic workers, for equal work. This gap is widening, and is particularly stark for female migrants.
February 26, 2021
Before the implementation of additional allocations such as the recovery fund, one of the first instruments put in place by the EU was the possibility for states to redirect their own European funds to deal with the Covid-19 crisis. Let's see how this process played out, in Italy and in other countries.
February 19, 2021
Using data from Eurostat, the European Trade Union Confederation has analysed the slow progress of EU countries in reducing the gender pay gap.
February 16, 2021
Tailing ponds are among the largest and most dangerous structures engineered by humanity, but their operation is virtually unknown to those who don’t live in their vicinity. Europe is no less at risk from incidents than the rest of the world.
February 8, 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic is a cruel reminder that ecosystem vitality and human health are closely linked. For Eloi Laurent, "the best economic policy is a good health policy and the best health policy is a good environmental policy. We see that there is no trade-off between economy and environment."
February 1, 2021
As public institutions struggle to implement their plans effectively, private banks are still not pulling their weight. With the slowness and mounting obstacles facing public finances, combined with the unreliability of the private system, how secure is the future of energy transition?
January 25, 2021
Fresh data released by the Migration Data Portal highlight the positive role migrant workers have played during COVID-19 crisis in Western societies, as well as their exposure to the pandemic.
January 12, 2021
Who exports and who imports? A German economics think tank, the Ifo institute, has looked at the interdependencies between the European Union and the United Kingdom.
December 23, 2020
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Italian authorities have allocated almost five billion euro for the supply of materials necessary for containing the spread of the virus. 1.7 billion went to foreign companies. An analysis of the public contracts awarded in response to Covid-19 in Italy.
December 21, 2020