How do you measure happiness at work? The latest data from Eurostat helps to identify what matters most to workers in the new post-Covid era.
December 12, 2022
The Balkan countries are struggling to keep up with the rest of Europe in terms of Internet connection speed. The only exception is Romania, which - not surprisingly - is the country in the area that is best able to spend cohesion funds on ICT
August 24, 2022
Only two European Union member states confirm that they had strategic reserves of the most effective and safe vaccine against monkeypox, a smallpox-like virus.
July 19, 2022
Within the EU, the Balkan countries are among those that invest less in research and innovation. European funds make a positive contribution, but the gap with the rest of Europe still tends to widen. The reasons are manifold.
July 14, 2022
Transfers to the most vulnerable, lower taxes, price regulation... European countries are taking steps to contain inflation. Do the measures all rely on the same levers? Are some strategies more effective than others? Here's an overview.
May 31, 2022
The average working week in Europe has shortened since 2000, but the differences between EU regions remain significant. People in some Greek regions work up to 12 hours longer than people in some regions of the Netherlands.
March 8, 2022
Member states have imposed eight hundred and eighty sanctions since the law was introduced in May 2018, but the war against the tech giants has just begun. If the EU wants to win it, it will need to commit to it with greater investment and cooperation from all its members.
November 15, 2021
High unemployment rates, increasingly apparent inequalities, and the digital divide. In the WB6, the crisis risks leaving young people behind and provoking a new wave of migration, but it could also offer new opportunities to revive economies.
September 2, 2021
As part of the Common Agricultural Policy, the European Union spent 100 billion Euros to combat climate change between 2014 and 2020. But these funds, which make up half of the entire EU budget earmarked for the fight against climate change, have not led to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
July 6, 2021