Who lobbies the EU institutions (LobbyFacts)
LobbyFacts is a platform providing data on lobbying in the institutions of the European Union. The data is extracted from the EU Transparency Register and the data on the European Commission’s high-level lobby meetings, and concern almost 12,000 different organisations. For each of them, the platform specifies the costs sustained for lobbying and the number of employees engaged in it, the number of meetings with the European Commission, as well as whether the organisation has an office in Brussels and a pass to enter the European Parliament’s premises, and some other general information on its profile and field of activity. Entries in the database can be filtered by country and on the basis of a few other criteria, including the time frame of interest; data can be downloaded in .csv form.
The database is clear and easy to navigate, and it comes with directions ensuring a correct and effective use of the available information. It can be used both for individual and comparative analyses, or to build rankings, e.g. a list of the corporate organisations investing the most in lobbying the European Commission. Data are available from 2015 onwards; it is possible to observe how individual and overall trends in spending have evolved.
LobbyFacts was jointly developed by Corporate Europe Observatory and LobbyControl.