Economy recovery is increasing social justice
A large majority of European countries has improved poverty prevention and access to labor markets
A large majority of European countries has improved poverty prevention and access to labor markets
On average, xenophobia is not rising in European cities - according to Eurobarometer. But there are exceptions and noteworthy counter-trends, especially in Southern Europe
Crèche or grandparents? Forms of daycare vary between countries, with major implications for equality.
The DanubeGIS platform provides access to data and maps related to water management for the whole Danube Basin, shared by 19 countries
How a group of media outlets joined forces to set up a collaborative platform to cover European affairs in the era of post-truth and alternative facts.
The new Bundestag is fairly average – at least as far as the proportion of women and young MPs is concerned. An international comparison shows that, elsewhere, things are done differently.
Data drawn from the AirBnB website on tourist accommodation in major cities and destinations
Introducing the scope, the tools and the members of EDJNet.
More and more professionals from the Western Balkans choose to seek a better life by going east – opting for countries such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland
Although journalists work in a relatively safe environment in Europe, they sometimes pay the highest price for doing their job