Nationalists’ hostility over religious minorities on the rise in Europe
According to a recent study by Pew Research Center, “2016 saw an uptick in nationalist activities around the globe”, and especially in Europe.
According to a recent study by Pew Research Center, “2016 saw an uptick in nationalist activities around the globe”, and especially in Europe.
The Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2018 focuses on the news industry and news consumption patterns, mainly on digital.
Erasmus, the end of roaming charges, the convenience of the euro: the rhetoric promoting the benefits of European integration only really addresses those citizens who regularly travel to other EU countries. In fact, 37 percent of EU citizens have never been outside their own country.
A new independent report reveals how harmful emissions from diesel engines have yet to fall, despite increasingly strict European regulations, and promises from manufacturers to follow the rules.
Mapping Italian News sheds light on the main topics and stories that drove attention in the lead-up to March 2018 Italian election.
The statistics speak for themselves: countries with higher taxation levels have a greater chance of winning in international football tournaments.
Despite setting ambitious targets for reducing CO2 emissions, the EU’s carbon footprint increased last year.
The rise to government of Eurosceptic parties is the consequence of austerity policies made in the name of cleaner public finances and of the euro convergence criteria.
The number of deaths caused by cancer of trachea, bronchus and lung has increased in two thirds of the European countries between 2011 and 2015.
Ireland is the most globalised European country and Switzerland is the one that gained the most from the economy’s globalisation since 1990.