Better data can prevent violence against women
Lack of standardisation in reporting and cultural differences between Northern and Eastern European countries complicate efforts towards an effective response against gender-based violence.
Lack of standardisation in reporting and cultural differences between Northern and Eastern European countries complicate efforts towards an effective response against gender-based violence.
In terms of the number of people vaccinated against measles, Europeans are already below the safety limit.
The lack of a sufficient number of electric-powered buses in Paris area let local transportation company to put back in service several old diesel-propelled buses next year. A vehicle management issue that shows how much European cities lay behind in renewing their buses' fleet.
A number of French consumer organisations have organised demonstrations for November 17, to protest the recent increase in petrol pump prices. But the French are far from paying the highest prices for fuel in Europe.
When it comes to electric bills, the components that determine how much you pay are changing significantly. And according to standards, this spells major disruptions for classifications.
Looking at life expectancy in European countries combined with retirement age, we see stark differences: Austrian women and Maltese men enjoy the longest retirement, while in Bulgaria this period is almost 10 years shorter for both women and men.
An example of how time series can be animated with R packages, based on the data produced for our "Europe 1°C Warmer" investigation.
The Dublin Regulation – the asylum system of Europe – has been put under a great deal of pressure mainly because of the vast majority of arrivals that have been currently registered in a very few member states.
Members of the European Parliament from countries where there are significant number of jobs in the automotive industry were less likely to support stronger climate measures than those where car jobs are less important, according to an analysis of voting patterns.
Too many fathers delegating childcare to their partner; mothers staying too long outside the workforce; an uneven range of rights and guarantees: how and why parental leave is changing in Europe.