Precarious employment on the rise in Europe
Over the past few years, the popularity of precarious employment in Europe has been growing, including everything from temporary jobs, to atypical jobs, to independent jobs, and even “on call” work.
Over the past few years, the popularity of precarious employment in Europe has been growing, including everything from temporary jobs, to atypical jobs, to independent jobs, and even “on call” work.
The International Social Survey Program is conducted in more than 40 countries around the world and is the subject of numerous research publications.
Each year thousands of Europeans go abroad to undergo fertility treatment. A two-month investigation analyses what is known and what remains to be discovered about this largely hidden phenomenon.
The European Social Survey (ESS) has been conducted every two years since 2002 in nearly 30 European countries.
The SHARE survey is the first European multidisciplinary survey on the health, retirement and economic situation of people aged 50 and over.
The visualisations of urban public space are an important part of the process of creating collective memory and imagining (a different) future. In the toponymy of Croatian cities there is almost no trace of women. In 55 out of the 64 cities included in our analysis, the percentage of streets named after women is lower than 5 percent.
Longer uninterrupted heat periods in Slovenia will be increasingly frequent and intense. The country does not have an integrated strategy to combat climate change yet.
Among the demands of the “gilets jaunes” – “yellow jackets”, who have been protesting in France for more than a month, is a reduction of the tax burden. Indeed, France regularly tops the European rankings in this regard.
The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems is an international network of studies on national elections.
After the crushing victory of the Law and Justice party in the previous presidential and parliamentary races, the first elections after three years were interpreted as a test of the real support for the ruling party and a forecast for the next ballots. The results of this test were quite confusing.