Energy precarity in Europe (OpenExp)
26 million Europeans are unable to maintain a sufficiently warm temperature in their homes in winter.
26 million Europeans are unable to maintain a sufficiently warm temperature in their homes in winter.
"60 percent of pension funds publish little or no information on their response to global warming".
Have you always wanted to know the impact of your electricity consumption on greenhouse gas emissions?
"Communities all over the world are fighting to defend their land, water, air or forests threatened by major projects or extractive activities with major social and environmental impacts".
"The rating reveals significant disparities between the subjects, principles and objectives on which companies choose to engage".
Unsanitory housing, risks of poverty or social exclusion – young Europeans are more exposed to them than their elders, though the degree varies between countries.
Millions of Europeans cannot heat their homes properly in winter. But household energy poverty is also a problem in summer, particularly in southern and eastern Europe.
A trend towards polarisation of employment is clearly visible on the Old Continent.
An annual report on all activities and actors that contribute to the non-bank financing of the economy.
Four out of the world's five largest banks are Chinese.