How much did the European institutions and parties pay for ads on Facebook?

During last month’s European election campaign, the EU institutions and European political parties spent almost four million euro on paid Facebook posts. Data published by Facebook reveals how much was spent in each country, and who spent the most.

By , |2023-07-26T10:27:16+01:00June 17th, 2019|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on How much did the European institutions and parties pay for ads on Facebook?

Political advertising on Facebook in South-East Europe

Data on political ads posted in the months leading up to the European elections highlights the differences between the political contexts in various member states. In Romania, it’s the national parties who spend the most, in Greece it’s individual candidates, and in Slovenia it’s the European Parliament.

By , |2023-07-26T11:08:07+01:00June 17th, 2019|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Political advertising on Facebook in South-East Europe

Is a new EU defence on its way?

The creation of a €13.6 billion scheme for the European Defence Fund can fundamentally challenge the nature of the European Union as a peace project. It may provide the arms before creating the army and even the political frame for it, and will contribute to a new arms race, suggests civil society.

By |2023-07-26T10:39:15+01:00June 15th, 2019|Tags: |Comments Off on Is a new EU defence on its way?

Political ads on Facebook: who spent the most in Poland

Polish candidates to the European Parliament spent hundreds of thousands of złoty on Facebook ads. The most money was spent on European Coalition’s pages. Confederation, on the other hand, has clearly invested in the nationalist leader Krzysztof Bosak.  

By , |2023-07-26T11:07:43+01:00June 14th, 2019|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Political ads on Facebook: who spent the most in Poland

Ecologists ask for less trawling and restricted areas to stop fish massacre

At the Marrakesh Summit held on June 11-12, coastal countries confirmed their commitment to combat overfishing in the Mediterranean, the most overexploited sea in the world. However, scientists argue that total bans in the most vulnerable areas are required.

By |2023-07-26T09:27:20+01:00June 13th, 2019|Tags: , |Comments Off on Ecologists ask for less trawling and restricted areas to stop fish massacre

It’s the fragmentation, stupid!

The next five years the European Union will be more fragmented than ever. This fragmentation is the key lesson of the 2019 European elections. However, contrary to the dominant narrative of the last decade or so, the old centrist blocs are not confronted with just a plethora of anti-system populist parties and groups.

By |2023-07-26T10:42:52+01:00June 11th, 2019|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on It’s the fragmentation, stupid!

European Elections 2019 and Italy’s varying size

Among the many debates that follow elections, there is one that usually gets most attention among data journalists and people with an interest in data visualisation: electoral maps. This is not a purely aesthetic debate, as both newsreaders and political pundits make sense of election results through these maps, reaching often debatable conclusions.A common one,

By |2023-03-30T10:54:57+01:00June 11th, 2019|Comments Off on European Elections 2019 and Italy’s varying size
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