Macroeconomics (European Commission)
Ameco is the macroeconomic database of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs. Every year it presents findings which are indispensable for an analysis of the economic situation of every EU member state, and several OECD countries (Japan, the United States, etc.). There are also projections for two to three years. It is on this database that much of the European Commission’s work is based.
From the analysis of international commerce to that of debt, from monetary variables to demographic developments or the movement of capital – all the data compiled in this database can be downloaded in Excel format via an online platform where you can also see simplified previews. Twice a year, in autumn and spring, a statistical report is published presenting a more restricted number of macroeconomic indicators over a long period, yielding some of the most pertinent data for an understanding of the European situation.