Child births: only 13 out of 328 regions in Europe above replacement level
To keep a country’s population stable from one generation to the next, at least two children should be born per woman. But how many European regions pass that threshold? In this report we look closer at the fertility rates across Europe region by region.
Child births: only 13 out of 328 regions in Europe above replacement level
To keep a country’s population stable from one generation to the next, at least two children should be born per woman. But how many European regions pass that threshold? In this report we look closer at the fertility rates across Europe region by region.
The Stats Monitor
The hundreds of regional reports that we present here were generated by the Stats Monitor, a tool we’ve developed to track and use newly released data – it currently monitors 14 different topics in Eurostat and national political polls. The Stats Monitor analyzes new data in order to spot interesting trends and outliers, so as to help journalists to find newsworthy material in them.
Here below you can find one unique report for every NUTS2 region in Europe, based on the latest available Eurostat data on fertility rates. We marked with a star the regional reports where we found something particularly newsworthy. The reports are primarily intended to be used as a starting point for further investigation into fertility rates and demographic developments in Europe.
★ Abruzzo: Fertility rates in Abruzzo extremely low
Agder og Rogaland: Agder og Rogaland has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Alentejo: Alentejo has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Algarve: Faro has an average fertility rate
Alsace: Alsace has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki: East Macedonia and Thrace has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Andalucía: Andalusia has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Aquitaine: Aquitaine has the second-lowest fertility rate in France
Aragón: Aragon has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Arnsberg: Arnsberg has an average fertility rate
Attiki: Attica Department has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Auvergne: Auvergne has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Basilicata: Fertility rates in Basilicata extremely low
★ Basse-Normandie: Fertility rates in Basse-Normandie decreases for eighth year in a row
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire: Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire: Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Berlin: Berlin has the lowest fertility rate in Germany
Bourgogne: Bourgogne has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Brandenburg: Brandenburg has an average fertility rate
Bratislavský kraj: Bratislava has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Braunschweig: Braunschweig has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Bremen: Fertility rates in Bremen falling for the first time in six years
★ Bretagne: Fertility rates in Brittany decreases for seventh year in a row
Bucuresti – Ilfov: Bucuresti – Ilfov has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Budapest: Fertility rates in Budapest extremely low
Burgenland (AT): Burgenland has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Calabria: Fertility rates in Calabria extremely low
Campania: Campania has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Canarias (ES): Fertility rates in Canary Islands extremely low
★ Cantabria: Fertility rates in Cantabria extremely low
★ Castilla y León: Fertility rates in Castile and León extremely low
Castilla-la Mancha: Castile-La Mancha has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Cataluña: Catalonia has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Centre – Val de Loire: Centre-Val de Loire has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
★ Centro (PT): Fertility rates in Centro extremely low
Centru: Centru has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Champagne-Ardenne: Champagne-Ardenne has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Chemnitz: Chemnitz has the highest fertility rate in Germany
Cheshire: Cheshire has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta (ES): Ceuta has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla (ES): Melilla has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
Comunidad Foral de Navarra: Navarra Chartered Community has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Comunidad Valenciana: Valencian Community has one of the lowest fertility rates in Europe
Comunidad de Madrid: Madrid Autonomous Community has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Cornwall and Isles of Scilly: Fertility rates in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly decreases for sixth year in a row
★ Corse: Corsica has the lowest fertility rate in France
Cumbria: Cumbria has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Darmstadt: Darmstadt has an average fertility rate
★ Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire: Fertility rates in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire decreases for sixth year in a row
★ Detmold: Fertility rates in Detmold falling for the first time in six years
★ Devon: Fertility rates in Devon decreases for fifth year in a row
Dolnoslaskie: Lower Silesia has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Dorset and Somerset: Fertility rates in Dorset and Somerset decreases for sixth year in a row
Drenthe: Drenthe has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Dresden: Dresden has an average fertility rate
Dytiki Ellada: West Greece has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Dytiki Makedonia: West Macedonia has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Dél-Alföld: Fertility rates in Dél-Alföld increases for seventh year in a row
Dél-Dunántúl: Dél-Dunántúl has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf has an average fertility rate
East Anglia: East Anglia has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ East Wales: Fertility rates in East Wales decreases for seventh year in a row
East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire: East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Eastern Scotland: Eastern Scotland has the second-lowest fertility rate in The United Kingdom
Eastern and Midland: Eastern and Midland has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Eesti: Estonia has an average fertility rate
Emilia-Romagna: Emilia-Romagna has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Essex: Essex has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
★ Etelä-Suomi: Fertility rates in Etelä-Suomi decreases for seventh year in a row
★ Extremadura: Fertility rates in Extremadura extremely low
Flevoland: Flevoland has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Franche-Comté: Franche-Comté has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Freiburg: Freiburg has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Friesland (NL): Friesland has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Friuli-Venezia Giulia: Friuli-Venezia Giulia has one of the lowest fertility rates in Europe
★ Galicia: Fertility rates in Galicia extremely low
Gelderland: Gelderland has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Gießen: Gießen has one of the lowest fertility rates in Germany
★ Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Bristol/Bath area: Fertility rates in Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Bristol/Bath area decreases for fifth year in a row
Greater Manchester: Greater Manchester has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Groningen: Groningen has the lowest fertility rate in Netherlands
★ Guadeloupe: Guadeloupe has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
★ Guyane: French Guiana has the second highest fertility rate in Europe
Hamburg: Hamburg has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Hampshire and Isle of Wight: Hampshire and Isle of Wight has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Hannover: Hannover has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Haute-Normandie: Haute-Normandie has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
Hedmark og Oppland: Hedmark og Oppland has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Helsinki-Uusimaa: Fertility rates in Uusimaa decreases for seventh year in a row
Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire: Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Highlands and Islands: Highlands and Islands has an average fertility rate
Hovedstaden: Capital Region has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Illes Balears: Fertility rates in Balearic Islands extremely low
Inner London – East: Inner London – East has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Inner London – West: Fertility rates in Inner London – West extremely low
★ Ionia Nisia: Fertility rates in Ionian Islands increases for fifth year in a row
★ Ipeiros: Fertility rates in Epirus extremely low
Jadranska Hrvatska: Jadranska Hrvatska has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Jihovýchod: Fertility rates in Jihovýchod increases for sixth year in a row
Jihozápad: Jihozápad has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Karlsruhe: Fertility rates in Karlsruhe falling for the first time in six years
Kassel: Kassel has an average fertility rate
★ Kent: Kent has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
★ Kentriki Makedonia: Fertility rates in Central Macedonia extremely low
★ Koblenz: Fertility rates in Koblenz falling for the first time in six years
Kontinentalna Hrvatska: Kontinentalna Hrvatska has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Kriti: Crete has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Kujawsko-Pomorskie: Kuyavia-Pomerania has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Kypros: Cyprus has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Kärnten: Carinthia has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Köln: Köln has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Közép-Dunántúl: Közép-Dunántúl has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
La Rioja: La Rioja has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ La Réunion: Réunion has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
Lancashire: Lancashire has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Languedoc-Roussillon: Languedoc-Roussillon has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Lazio: Fertility rates in Lazio extremely low
Leicestershire, Rutland and Northamptonshire: Leicestershire, Rutland and Northamptonshire has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Leipzig: Leipzig has one of the lowest fertility rates in Germany
★ Liguria: Fertility rates in Liguria extremely low
Limburg (NL): Limburg has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Limousin: Limousin has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Lincolnshire: Lincolnshire has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Lombardia: Fertility rates in Lombardy decreases for seventh year in a row
Lorraine: Lorraine has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Lubelskie: Lublin has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Lubuskie: Lubusz has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Länsi-Suomi: Fertility rates in Länsi-Suomi decreases for fifth year in a row
Lódzkie: Łódź has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Lüneburg: Lüneburg has the second-highest fertility rate in Germany
Malopolskie: Lesser Poland has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Malta: Fertility rates in Malta extremely low
★ Marche: Fertility rates in Marche extremely low
Martinique: Martinique has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Mayotte: Mayotte has the highest fertility rate in Europe
Mazowiecki regionalny: Mazowiecki regionalny has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Mellersta Norrland: Mellersta Norrland has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
Merseyside: Merseyside has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Midi-Pyrénées: Midi-Pyrénées has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Midtjylland: Central Denmark has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Mittelfranken: Fertility rates in Mittelfranken falling for the first time in six years
★ Molise: Fertility rates in Molise extremely low
Moravskoslezsko: Moravskoslezský has an average fertility rate
Münster: Münster has an average fertility rate
Niederbayern: Niederbayern has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Niederösterreich: Lower Austria has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Noord-Brabant: North Brabant has an average fertility rate
Noord-Holland: North Holland has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Nord-Est: Nord-Est has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
Nord-Norge: Nord-Norge has an average fertility rate
★ Nord-Pas de Calais: Nord-Pas de Calais has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
Nord-Vest: Nord-Vest has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Nordjylland: Northern Denmark has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Norra Mellansverige: Norra Mellansverige has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
★ Norte: Fertility rates in Norte extremely low
★ North Eastern Scotland: North Eastern Scotland has one of the lowest fertility rates in The United Kingdom
North Yorkshire: North Yorkshire has an average fertility rate
Northern Ireland (UK): Northern Ireland has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Northern and Western: Northern and Western has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Northumberland and Tyne and Wear: Northumberland and Tyne and Wear has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Notio Aigaio: South Aegean has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Nyugat-Dunántúl: Nyugat-Dunántúl has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Oberbayern: Oberbayern has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Oberfranken: Oberfranken has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Oberpfalz: Oberpfalz has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Oberösterreich: Upper Austria has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Opolskie: Opole has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Oslo og Akershus: Oslo og Akershus has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Outer London – East and North East: Outer London – East and North East has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
Outer London – South: Outer London – South has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Outer London – West and North West: Outer London – West and North West has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
Overijssel: Overijssel has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Pays de la Loire: Fertility rates in Pays-de-la-Loire decreases for seventh year in a row
País Vasco: Basque Country has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Peloponnisos: Peloponnese has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Pest: Pest has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Picardie: Picardie has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
★ Piemonte: Fertility rates in Piedmont decreases for fifth year in a row
Podkarpackie: Subcarpathia has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Podlaskie: Podlachia has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi: Fertility rates in Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi decreases for eighth year in a row
★ Poitou-Charentes: Fertility rates in Poitou-Charentes decreases for fifth year in a row
★ Pomorskie: Pomerania has the highest fertility rate in Poland
Praha: Prague, Hlavní mešto has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Principado de Asturias: Fertility rates in Asturias extremely low
Prov. Antwerpen: Antwerp has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Prov. Brabant Wallon: Walloon Brabant has an average fertility rate
★ Prov. Hainaut: Fertility rates in Hainaut decreases for seventh year in a row
★ Prov. Limburg (BE): Limburg has the lowest fertility rate in Belgium
Prov. Liège: Liège has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Prov. Luxembourg (BE): Luxembourg in Belgium has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Prov. Namur: Fertility rates in Namur decreases for seventh year in a row
★ Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen: Fertility rates in East Flanders decreases for ninth year in a row
Prov. Vlaams-Brabant: Flemish Brabant has an average fertility rate
Prov. West-Vlaanderen: West Flanders has an average fertility rate
★ Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur: Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
★ Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen: Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen has the highest fertility rate in Italy
★ Provincia Autonoma di Trento: Provincia Autonoma di Trento has the second-highest fertility rate in Italy
★ Puglia: Fertility rates in Apulia extremely low
★ Região Autónoma da Madeira (PT): Fertility rates in Madeira extremely low
★ Região Autónoma dos Açores (PT): Fertility rates in Azores extremely low
Región de Murcia: Murcia Region has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Rheinhessen-Pfalz: Fertility rates in Rheinhessen-Pfalz falling for the first time in six years
★ Rhône-Alpes: Rhône-Alpes has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
★ Région de Bruxelles-Capitale / Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest: Brussels has the highest fertility rate in Belgium
Saarland: Saarland has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Sachsen-Anhalt: Saxony-Anhalt has an average fertility rate
Salzburg: Salzburg has an average fertility rate
★ Sardegna: Fertility rates in Sardinia extremely low
Schleswig-Holstein: Schleswig-Holstein has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Schwaben: Fertility rates in Schwaben falling for the first time in six years
Severen tsentralen: Severen tsentralen has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Severoiztochen: Severoiztochen has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Severovýchod: Severovýchod has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Severozapaden: Severozapaden has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Severozápad: Fertility rates in Severozápad increases for fifth year in a row
Shropshire and Staffordshire: Shropshire and Staffordshire has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Sicilia: Sicily has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Sjælland: Zealand has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Slaskie: Silesia has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Småland med öarna: Småland med öarna has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
Sostines regionas: Vilnius County has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ South Yorkshire: Fertility rates in South Yorkshire decreases for fifth year in a row
Southern: Southern has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Southern Scotland: Southern Scotland has an average fertility rate
Steiermark: Styria has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Sterea Ellada: Fertility rates in Central Greece extremely low
Stockholm: Stockholm has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Stredné Slovensko: Stredné Slovensko has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Strední Cechy: Středočeský has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Strední Morava: Fertility rates in Strední Morava increases for sixth year in a row
★ Stuttgart: Fertility rates in Stuttgart falling for the first time in six years
Sud – Muntenia: Sud – Muntenia has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Sud-Est: Sud-Est has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Sud-Vest Oltenia: Sud-Vest Oltenia has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Surrey, East and West Sussex: Surrey, East and West Sussex has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Swietokrzyskie: Fertility rates in Holy Cross extremely low
Syddanmark: Southern Denmark has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Sydsverige: Sydsverige has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Sør-Østlandet: Sør-Østlandet has an average fertility rate
★ Tees Valley and Durham: Fertility rates in Tees Valley and Durham decreases for seventh year in a row
Thessalia: Thessaly has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Thüringen: Thuringia has an average fertility rate
Tirol: Tyrol has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Toscana: Fertility rates in Toscana extremely low
Trier: Trier has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Trøndelag: Trøndelag has an average fertility rate
Tübingen: Tübingen has an average fertility rate
★ Umbria: Fertility rates in Umbria extremely low
★ Unterfranken: Fertility rates in Unterfranken increases for eighth year in a row
Utrecht: Utrecht has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Valle d’Aosta/Vallée d’Aoste: Aosta Valley has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Veneto: Veneto has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Vest: Vest has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Vestlandet: Vestlandet has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Vidurio ir vakaru Lietuvos regionas: Vidurio ir vakaru Lietuvos regionas has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Vorarlberg: Vorarlberg has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Voreio Aigaio: North Aegean has the highest fertility rate in Greece
Vzhodna Slovenija: Vzhodna Slovenija has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Västsverige: Västsverige has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Východné Slovensko: Východné Slovensko has an average fertility rate
Warminsko-Mazurskie: Warmia-Masuria has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Warszawski stoleczny: Warszawski stoleczny has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Weser-Ems: Weser-Ems has one of the highest fertility rates in Germany
★ West Central Scotland: West Central Scotland has one of the lowest fertility rates in The United Kingdom
West Midlands: West Midlands has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
West Wales and The Valleys: West Wales and The Valleys has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
West Yorkshire: West Yorkshire has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Wielkopolskie: Greater Poland has an average fertility rate
Wien: Vienna has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Yugoiztochen: Yugoiztochen has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Yugozapaden: Yugozapaden has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Yuzhen tsentralen: Yuzhen tsentralen has an average fertility rate
Zachodniopomorskie: West Pomerania has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Zahodna Slovenija: Zahodna Slovenija has a lower fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Zeeland: Zeeland has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Zuid-Holland: South Holland has an average fertility rate
★ Západné Slovensko: Fertility rates in Západné Slovensko increases for fifth year in a row
Área Metropolitana de Lisboa: Área Metropolitana de Lisboa has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Åland: Åland has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
★ Észak-Alföld: Fertility rates in Észak-Alföld falling for the first time in seven years
★ Észak-Magyarország: Fertility rates in Észak-Magyarország increases for sixth year in a row
★ Île de France: Île-de-France has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe
Östra Mellansverige: Östra Mellansverige has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe
Övre Norrland: Övre Norrland has a higher fertility rate than most regions in Europe